Saturday evening, I went to the movies with two of my dearest friends. We went to see Revolutionary Road...and it WRECKED us. I emotionally invest myself in movies, and by the end of this one, I was exhausted. I was stressed. I was DIStressed. I was angry. I was sad. I was limp.
And somehow, by the time we were finally able to move from our chairs, there were only two other people left in the theater - who were also sitting in emotional shock. Was no one else affected?
We spent the rest of the night evaluating our thoughts and feelings after seeing this intense movie. At first, I was angry that I had seen it, but as time went by, I realized that maybe, just maybe, Revolutionary Road got it right.
In some odd way, I have never seen a movie capture so much of our depraved society. And as it painted the picture of the crap that our society lives in, there did not seem to be one character in the whole movie who was shown not living in an empty, void place. For once, the empty life wasn't glamorized. The whole movie followed two people's desire to get away from living the American dream... and to live life to the fullest... to "really feel things"... to live life in a revolutionary way. And yet, what they got was the opposite of that. They tried to fill themselves with love and adventure from all the wrong places. And it didn't work.
Adultery left characters feeling empty, which was only a slight consolation to the intense anger I felt every time a situation like that arose. Anger and unresolved conflict made me squirm in my seat...similar to the unrest it clearly left them in as well. Abortion led to the most extreme of circumstances, and was definitely not the bright spot or the well-deserved choice that so many people think it is. It hurts. It kills. It SUCKS and I hate it with all of my being.
There was so much irony wrapped up in Saturday evening. Ironic that this family lived on Revolutionary Road and yet experienced anything but a revolution in their life. Ironic that the movie clearly painted a picture in my head of just how much our world needs a revolution...needs to know the revolutionary power of Christ. Sadly ironic that a movie that depicts the horrors and evils of abortion is showing at the same time that our country is taking steps towards abortion rights in a way that it never has in the past. But ironic that my pastor talked about the sanctity of life on Sunday morning and a woman who was affected by our crisis pregnancy center was baptized? I think not.
Our best description pf the evening was that it felt like we had just sat in a theater full of lives just like those we had watched on the big screen. People that do not know how to deal with the stressful moments of life. People that find adultery and abortion and anger and conflict something to be laughed at. And so they laughed. There were so many moments in the movie that Becca and I both wanted to yell out, "WHAT'S SO DANG FUNNY?" When the tension became to great to handle, they decided not to even try, which is, ironically, exactly what happened to the characters of this movie.
And so, the night was ultimately ironic in that we watched this movie with a room full of people who very likely live lives in one way or another all to similar to the depressing lives of Frank and April Wheeler. Kinda makes me want to start a revolution.
Four amazing girls and I went to Savannah for the long weekend and it was a blast. Full of laughter (lots, if you can imagine), honest conversation, music, eating, shopping, etc...
And I really wanted to take the time to write a nice long post about it, telling fun stories, sharing pictures, etc. BUT you see, my friend Kristi has already done that here. And so, in light of the fact that I would say a lot of the same things, I am just going to point you there. Please go read it if you are interested in what we did in Savannah because she lined out a GREAT rundown of all our activities. And she included a few pictures.
The one story she didn't tell that is totally worth telling is this:
We went to Jazz'd, a live jazz and tapas bar in downtown historic district, on Saturday night. Just before leaving, we went to the bathroom, and as we were waiting by the door for everyone to get done, a RATHER intoxicated lady comes up to us and says, "Can I just be drunk and obnoxious for a minute?" To which, of course we responded YES. What could be more entertaining than a drunk lady in the bathroom??
She proceeds to ask us, "Am I chopped liver?" Um... no? We weren't quite sure where she was going with it all. Then we find out (more than we wanted, I might add) that she is trying to make it happen with a man at the bar, but she brought her friend with her who happens to be hot and have a large chest (she didn't use such censored language). Well, her friend was stealing the show, even though she knew that this lady wanted to snag the hot guy at the bar. As a side note, she described him as a surfer type, which was totally NOT what he was when we saw him later. So, she's angry at her friend for stealing her thunder, asking us if she should just have left her friend at home, asking us why this guy might be paying more attention to her friend than her, etc. Our favorite part was when she told us that situations like this are what "keep her at home on Saturday nights, making love to her dog...not really...but seriously (please remember, this was all out of the mouth of a drunk lady, as inappropriate as it may seem)." So we try to give her some pretty solid advice for a drunk person, mostly telling her that she is beautiful and that if this guy wants to choose someone else over her, than maybe he's not worth it. Yes, that is the 100% girl-type of response, but all we had. And before she left, the 5 of us, with a completely drunk stranger, enjoyed a large group hug in the bathroom before she went back out to face the guy and her friend. Gooooood times.
Anyways, it was one of our favorite encounters of the weekend, besides, of course, getting the lowdown on the Mark Zuckerburg, of Facebook fame, from his Harvard professor. That was fun too.
So, now... go read Kristi's write-up of the weekend.
So, I typed this out a few days ago and saved it without publishing...oops.
Anyways, here it is. I've decided to share two songs that I've been listening to A LOT during my drives to work this week:
What a Day, by Greg Laswell
What a day to be alive
What a day to realize I'm not dead
What a day to save a dime
What a day to die trying
What a way to say good bye
What a wonderful life now
What a way to use your mind
What a day to say good night
"Bring on the evening hours," I cry
"Bring on the evidence of my life"
(My life)
What a day to give a d*mn
What a day for "Gone with the Wind"
And what a day to start again
What a day to give up dry gin
"Bring on the evening hours," I cry
"Bring on the evidence of my life"
"Bring on the evening hours," I cry
"Bring on the evidence of my life"
Let it go
Let it go from here, I don't know
Let it go
Let it go from here, I don't know
Don't know
What a day to visit Seattle
What a day for San Francisco
What a day, holy Toldeo
What a day to get in the air and go
What a day to give up smoking
What a day to absorb
What a day to welcome a baby
And to begin breathing (To begin breathing)
Granted, everything in this song doesn't necessarily apply to me, but Greg Laswell is a musical genius in my opinion and this is a personal favorite of his, so far. Best line? "What a day to get in the air and go." Personally, I believe EVERY day is a good day to get in the air and go. But, whether I am going or staying right where I am, every day has the right to be greeted with the phrase, "What a day!" Every day has the chance to bring new opportunities and great joy, even when mixed with the pain and sorrow. It's all what we make of it, isn't it?
Another one:
The Good Things, by Jill Phillips
Every once in a while the world stops spinning enough
That I can take a step back and get the picture
I see the twists and the turns
I see the patterns they form
I see how perfect they are and I remember
All the good things
All the good things
All the good things
you’ve done for me
Though the feeling is real I know it’s fleeting to feel
One day I’ll forget you are here and start to wonder
In that season of doubt, You’ll still be showering me
With blessings I can’t see, that can’t be numbered
All the good things
All the good things
All the good things
You’ve done for me
Forgive me for my shortsighted look at this world
Where you keep proving that you know what you’re doing
If I could see like you do with your perspective view
The fires I’m walking through would look much different
I’d see those difficult days for who they made me become
And I would count them among
All the good things
All the good things
All the good things
You’ve done for me
Man, this is such a powerful song. Seriously could and should be my life anthem I think, because my perspective on those crappy situations of life is always totally wrong in the heat of the moment. And yet, my shortsightedness fails in light of God's eternal plan. Every time. "I’d see those difficult days for who they made me become, and I would count them among, all the good things..." That's my prayer for 2009.