I'm really hoping the lyrics of Sheryl Crow's song prove true, because it would seem that this year is destined to be the year of CHANGE for Nick and I.
Apparently we aren't satisfied with the change that marriage is going to offer...because we've decided to tack on the huge change of MOVING across the country in the same month. Yep, it's true. We are moving to Colorado. Nick has been offered a job opportunity with Wycliffe in Colorado that we are really excited about. Though we aren't sure exactly where yet, we'll either be Denver, Fort Collins, or somewhere in between. And everyone says that the Denver area is GREAT, so you should all begin planning your next vacation there.
So really, this all just means a lot of change in a short amount of time. Wedding on March 26 (that's 43 days - wow!), return from honeymoon on April 4, and start driving (if you were curious, it is in fact THIRTY hours of driving) to Colorado on April 21. Talk about a whirlwind!
We are definitely excited, but the reality is also beginning to set in. The wedding planning has kept it at bay some, and we are yet to see if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Hopefully I don't become a basket case as soon as the wedding high ends.
We both know that it will be a harder move on me than on Nick, if for no other reason that this has been my home for so long, and only his home for 2 years. I have invested so much time into friendships here that I can't even imagine leaving and starting over. This was my first foray into life on my own. I have never been 30 hours from my family. I don't know how to bake at high altitudes! I might die trying to run at an elevation of 5,280 feet! But, even with all the things I could worry about, I can't think of someone I'd rather follow thirty hours from home, and we are excited to start a new adventure together. Plus, Nick has been dying to get out to the mountains and out of the Florida heat for as long as I've known him, so really, it's a perfect fit.
So, here's to a couple months of CRAZY, a whole lot of change, and cold weather, which will be a totally new concept for this Florida girl!
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on Friday, February 11, 2011
at Friday, February 11, 2011
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